Physical Attractiveness

What makes someone attractive? How does physical attractiveness affect our mating choices? In many animal species, looks are crucial for successful reproduction. In peacocks, it's the male with the largest colourful tail that gets the best chances to mate. The beautiful, large tail signals that the bird is strong and healthy, which attracts the female birds. 

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Physical Attractiveness


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What makes someone attractive? How does physical attractiveness affect our mating choices? In many animal species, looks are crucial for successful reproduction. In peacocks, it's the male with the largest colourful tail that gets the best chances to mate. The beautiful, large tail signals that the bird is strong and healthy, which attracts the female birds.

But is it all about fitness in the human world? What is the role of physical beauty, and how can it influence our judgements? Let's explore the role of physical attraction in romantic relationships.

  • We'll begin with defining physical attraction meaning.
  • Next, we'll introduce physical attractiveness theory and outline physical attractiveness examples, including the waist-to-hip ratio and facial features.
  • Then, we'll introduce the halo effect psychology and the support behind it.
  • Moving on, we'll discuss the matching hypothesis and look at the matching hypothesis experiment, to understand the role of attraction in choosing a partner.
  • Finally, we'll evaluate the theories explaining the role of physical attractiveness in relationships.

Physical attractiveness, young man and woman sitting next to each other, StudySmarterFig. 1: We're often drawn to people we consider attractive.

Physical Attraction Meaning

Attraction is an instinctive feeling that involves a desire to be around someone. When we are attracted to someone, we feel fond of this person, we find their presence pleasing, and we can develop an interest in them. Attraction can be due to many factors, and one of them is physical attractiveness.

Physical attraction occurs when we develop a liking for, an interest in or a desire to be around someone, due to their physical appearance.

Physical attractiveness is based on one's physical appearance and the degree to which it aligns with the aesthetic preferences of others. Looks are especially powerful at evoking attraction, they can make us interested in a person from the moment we see their face or even a photo on a dating app. It's how “love at first sight” works.

Just like the lyrics in Madonna's Physical attraction song suggest, “physical attraction, it's a chemical reaction”. When we develop an attraction to someone, our brain responds with greater dopamine and norepinephrine transmission, which corresponds to feelings of excitement and better mood. We also see greater activity in the orbitofrontal brain region, where the reward system is located.

Physical Attractiveness Theory

The definition of beauty is generally arbitrary – the physical traits we perceive as attractive have changed across cultures and times. However, evolutionary psychologists argue that certain universals exist when it comes to physical attraction. Attraction towards traits that signal to others that we are healthy and ready to reproduce has been proposed to be evolutionarily adaptive.

Physical Attractiveness Examples

We'll consider example traits that have been associated with attraction across cultures, including the waist-to-hip ratio, facial features and facial symmetry.

Waist-to-Hip Ratio

One physical feature that has been linked to attractiveness is the waist-to-hip ratio in females. Singh hypothesised that a small waist-to-hip ratio is an honest indicator of health, youthfulness and female fertility and therefore results in attraction in males regardless of culture.

Singh and Young (1995) investigated the influence of body fat, waist-to-hip ratio as well as breast size on female attractiveness to male college students. Participants were shown images of women varying on these dimensions and were asked to rate them in terms of age, attractiveness, health, and desirability for short and long-term relationships.

Slender bodies and low waist-to-hip ratio were associated with a higher rating of attractiveness, health, and desirability for relationships. Singh and Luis (1995) replicated this experiment with Indonesian and Afro-American participants, with similar results.

The preference for the small waist-to-hip ratio is thought to be evolutionarily adaptive, as it's one of the signals of health and youthfulness.

  • The limited period of fertility for women could lead to pressure on choosing younger female partners.
  • Men with this preference had higher chances of selecting a partner that can bear many children, allowing him to successfully pass on his genes.
  • While men without this preference could have lower reproductive success.

Facial Features

Cunningham et al. (1995) studied Asian, white, and Hispanic men’s attitudes towards women. They found that high cheekbones, small noses, and large eyes were consistently rated as attractive across all cultures. This suggests a certain universality when it comes to the desired facial features.

Similarly to the waist-to-hip ratio, these facial features are also associated with youthfulness. Therefore, a universal preference for these features in females could develop due to evolutionary pressures.

Facial Symmetry

Another feature that makes people seem more attractive is facial symmetry. The influence of facial symmetry on attraction was investigated by Langlois and Roggman (1990). They hypothesised that faces that look average in the population would be perceived as the most attractive.

To investigate this hypothesis, they took photos of 3 male and 3 female faces and created a composite image for each gender.

  • When these composite images were shown to participants, they were consistently rated as more attractive compared to the individual faces. The more faces were averaged to create the composite image, the more attractive it was perceived.

Rhodes et al. (2001) repeated this experiment on non-Western faces to investigate the universality of the attractiveness of symmetry and averageness. They found that Japanese composite faces were judged as more attractive for Japanese participants, and average Chinese faces were more attractive for Chinese participants.

In their second experiment, they also investigated whether perfect symmetry would be preferred compared to composite images.

  • It was found that participants judged faces which were perfectly symmetrical (the two halves were mirror images of each other) as more attractive than average faces.

The preference for facial symmetry can also be explained by evolutionary pressures, as it's one of the indicators of good health.

The Halo Effect: Psychology

Physical attractiveness makes us more desirable to potential partners, but it can also make us seem more likeable or even more competent. According to the halo effect, we are more likely to view attractive people in a positive light in domains unrelated to appearance.

The halo effect describes the phenomenon where we perceive physically attractive people as having other positive personality traits. For example, when we judge someone as having kind eyes, we assume that someone with attractive eyes must also have a kind personality.

The Halo effect was investigated by Dion et al. (1972). They recruited 30 male and 30 female American students to take part in the study. Participants were told the study is a ‘people perception’ experiment alongside graduates trained in the field.

  • Each participant was given a randomly chosen selection of three envelopes containing photos: one with an ‘attractive’ person, one with an ‘average-looking person’, and another with an ‘unattractive’ person.
  • The participants then had to rate the people in the photos on 27 different personality traits on a scale from 1 to 6.
  • They were then asked which they thought was most likely to achieve marital, parental, and general happiness.
  • Additionally, participants were asked what profession they would assign to each person divided into low, medium, and high-status occupations.

What people do and don’t find attractive is subjective, so although Dion et al. (1972) had categorised the photos as ‘attractive’, ‘average’ or ‘unattractive’ it remains that for some people the ‘attractive’ people might have been ‘average’ or even ‘unattractive’.

The results clearly demonstrated that participants perceived attractive people as having more positive personality traits, higher-status jobs, and greater happiness. These results support the halo effect theory, as they suggest that people do link physical attractiveness to other positive attributes.

Dion et al. (1972) study can be criticised for low ecological validity and reductionism. Other factors such as voice, mannerisms, and clothing might influence someone’s attractiveness. However, the study reduced attraction to only physical characteristics. It failed to consider what may also influence attraction in real-life situations.

Physical attractiveness, a man scrolling through an instagram account, StudySmarterFig. 2: We judge attractive people as more happy and more successful.

The Matching Hypothesis

When looking for a potential partner, we may not instantly go for the most attractive person around. Instead, we look for someone who we think fits our level of attractiveness, known as the matching hypothesis.

You might have heard people use the phrase “she’s way out of my league”, which demonstrates that we are often looking for someone who's at a similar level of attractiveness to us.

The matching hypothesis, proposed by Elaine Hatfield et al. (1966), states that people choose partners who are at a similar level of physical attractiveness, to avoid rejection.

According to this theory, a person’s choice of partner is a balance between someone who is of a similar level of attractiveness to them and who is the most attractive person possible within their ‘league’. This is because people aim to get the best outcome (the most attractive partner) without the negative experience of being rejected.

Walster et al. (1966) explored the theory and found their experiment did not support the theory, however. 376 men and 376 women took part in a computer dance study where they were matched up with partners.

The results indicated that, overall, people preferred partners who were deemed attractive, regardless of their own levels of attractiveness. It had low ecological validity, however, as it did not accurately represent dating.

Matching Hypothesis Experiment

Murstein (1972) studied 197 college couples. First, each participant was given a rating of attractiveness from a panel of judges individually. Then, the similarity in the ratings between the people who were together was compared to the similarity of random men and women in the sample that were not together.

  • It was found that the ratings of attractiveness in the real couples were more similar compared to the random pairings, supporting the matching hypothesis. There was a positive correlation between attractiveness in real relationships.

These findings are also supported by Feingold (1988), who conducted a meta-analysis of 17 studies that investigated how similar are couples or same-sex friends in terms of physical attractiveness.

  • He found that there was a greater positive correlation between the partners’ ratings of attractiveness compared to the ratings in friend pairs, supporting the matching hypothesis.

However, some research contradicts the matching hypothesis, suggesting that people are more interested in partners that are more attractive than them rather than match their level of attractiveness (Walster et al. 1966; Taylor et al. 2011).

Evaluation of the Theories of Physical Attractiveness

One strength of the theories of physical attraction is that they have been supported by numerous studies. What is more, they've been investigated across different cultures, which supports the evolutionary basis for why certain physical attributes make us look universally more attractive.

However, some critics point out that physical attractiveness mainly applies to short-term relationships, whereas in long-term relationships, the most important things are compatibility of attitudes and values. The matching theory also doesn’t consider that people may compensate for a lack of physical attraction by focusing on people’s positive personality traits.

Moreover, research on physical attractiveness is often affected by beta bias, as it usually focuses on male views.

  • Many studies have shown men value physical attractiveness more than women in relationships. This shows that physical attractiveness is not a reliable motivator for attraction across genders.

Meltzer et al. (2014) found that men rate their long-term relationships as more satisfying if they find their partner physically attractive. Meanwhile, for women, their partner’s attractiveness didn’t influence their satisfaction.

Finally, attractiveness may be more or less influential depending on our values. Towhey (1979) gave participants photos of strangers along with some biographical information and found that those who held sexist views were more likely to view physical attractiveness as important.

Physical Attractiveness, couple embracing happily, StudySmarterFig. 3: Physical attractiveness is not the only factor that counts, especially in long-term relationships.

Physical Attractiveness - Key takeaways

  • Physical attraction occurs when we develop a liking for and an interest in or a desire to be around someone due to their physical appearance.

  • The physical attributes that have been linked to attractiveness include the waist-to-hip ratio, facial features and facial symmetry.

  • The halo effect describes the phenomenon where we perceive physically attractive people as having other positive personality traits.

  • The matching hypothesis, proposed by Elaine Hatfield et al. (1966), states that people choose partners who are at a similar level of physical attractiveness, to avoid rejection. Research both supports and opposes the matching hypothesis.

  • Cross-cultural research has supported physical attractiveness. However, the importance of physical attractiveness can depend on the character of the relationship, our personal values or gender.


  1. Langlois, J. H., & Roggman, L. A. (1990). Attractive faces are only average. Psychological Science, 1(2), 115–121. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-9280.1990.tb00079.x
  2. Rhodes, G., Yoshikawa, S., Clark, A., Lee, K., McKay, R., & Akamatsu, S. (2001). Attractiveness of facial averageness and symmetry in non-western cultures: in search of biologically based standards of beauty. Perception, 30(5), 611–625. https://doi.org/10.1068/p3123
  3. Singh, D., & Young, R. K. (1995). Body weight, waist-to-hip ratio, breasts, and hips: Role in judgments of female attractiveness and desirability for relationships. Ethology & Sociobiology, 16(6), 483–507. https://doi.org/10.1016/0162-3095(95)00074-7
  4. Singh, D., & Luis, S. (1995). Ethnic and gender consensus for the effect of waist-to-hip ratio on judgment of women's attractiveness. Human Nature, 6(1), 51–65. https://doi.org/10.1007/BF02734135
  5. Murstein, B. I. (1972). Physical attractiveness and marital choice. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 22(1), 8–12. https://doi.org/10.1037/h0032394
  6. Dion, K., Berscheid, E., & Walster, E. (1972). What is beautiful is good. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 24(3), 285–290. https://doi.org/10.1037/h0033731
  7. Walster, E., Aronson, V., Abrahams, D., & Rottman, L. (1966). Importance of physical attractiveness in dating behavior. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 4(5), 508–516. https://doi.org/10.1037/h0021188
  8. Taylor, L. S., Fiore, A. T., Mendelsohn, G. A., & Cheshire, C. (2011). "Out of my league": a real-world test of the matching hypothesis. Personality & social psychology bulletin, 37(7), 942–954. https://doi.org/10.1177/0146167211409947
  9. Feingold, A. (1988). Matching for attractiveness in romantic partners and same-sex friends: A meta-analysis and theoretical critique. Psychological Bulletin, 104(2), 226–235. https://doi.org/10.1037/0033-2909.104.2.226

Frequently Asked Questions about Physical Attractiveness

Physical attraction occurs when we develop a liking for and an interest in or a desire to be around someone due to their physical appearance.

The halo effect is when people link other positive personality traits, otherwise unrelated to physical appearance, to physical attractiveness. For instance, people will perceive attractive people as also having higher-status jobs, and greater levels of happiness.

A person may suggest someone is kind and competent because they are physically attractive. These traits are unrelated to physical appearance.

Physical attractiveness is one of the factors that influences attraction. This has been explained by the adaptive value of having a preference for traits that signal health, fertility, and youthfulness in potential partners.

The matching hypothesis states that people choose partners who are at a similar level of physical attractiveness, as this means they won’t experience rejection. 

Test your knowledge with multiple choice flashcards

The ______ effect is when people link physical attractiveness with positive personality traits.

The_______ hypothesis explains attraction as an attempt to find a partner who is a similar level of attractiveness to you. 

True or False: According to the halo effect, an attractive person can be described as having kind eyes.

More about Physical Attractiveness

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